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Comments (9)

Ringus - 1 January 13:03

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Milhouse - 6 June 10:19

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Ronnie - 1 September 05:32

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Girard - 7 November 03:04

Best line: Consent is not the absence of a No, it is the presence of a Yes.

Belia - 5 February 08:36

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Hornbeck - 26 August 14:58

Regarding male-masturbation: it will be different for those circumcised and those in tact/uncircumcised. For those uncircumcised, retraction of the foreskin over the glans is the norm during sexual activity. However, a minority will find that difficult or impossible due to some factors, but (I hear is able to be resolved (without circumcision). This is something that is hardly spoken about and uncircumcised males sometimes remain uneducated about their own parts.

Turso - 9 March 15:36

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